

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Well, Isn’t This Fun?

As one of The 'Loved Ones' scheduled for possible elimination, I'm in an apocalyptic state of mind. “What? “ I'm asking myself. “Would I like to be my ' last post'? What would be my final message from the gallows? The final cry before going under the wheels of that bus?”

I have a cold. Is it a cold? My temperature’s at 36.2C Is that good news  or bad? Yesterday it was 35.6C . What’s THAT all about?

Despite the rather gloomy opening, I'm fine. Absolutely fine. I'm rather looking forward to being a shut-in. I have composed a  " Self-Isolator Indoor Bucket List" and this is it:

1. Clear my large unruly garden of ground elder.
2. Perfect the art of making sourdough bread.
3. Journal on this Blog every day.
4. Write a discussion paper for the Labour Party Branch that I'm Cnair of, to keep the red flag flying here.
5. Finish at least two of the unread books sitting on my Kindle
6. Make a Banner for Church
7. Taxt or call my daughters every day.
8. Call my friends
9. Binge Watch 'Silent Witness' on Iplayer
10. Perfect the habit of no-waste home-catering
11. Get seriously into National Poetry Month this year.
12. Work on the Parish Plan

So, this isn't my last post by any means. Hopefully


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