1. Here’s a walk in Newent. It is less than 2km from your home. Find it on the map of the town:
2. Park outside Granparents house and make a lot of noise until they come to the window! Wave!
3. Look at the compass at the top of the map. Head south until: HERE!
3. Follow the footpath marked on the map. Spot where grandad was at these locations. They are in order:
4. When you get HERE, head south again towards Highfield Cottage. Without cheating, time how many steps you take in one minute. Count them.
Sam count in ones. Abigail shout , “Buzz” on every multiple nine, Rosie, record the number of steps taken by Dad and Sam, and work out the ratio when you get home.

5. On your walk you will see these plants. Find them on the internet before you leave and put a cross on the map where you see them:
5. On your walk you will see these plants. Find them on the internet before you leave and put a cross on the map where you see them:
Viola raviniana
Narcissus pseudonarcissus
Arum maculatum
Ficaria verna
Taraxacum officianale
Which one of these is also called pis-a-lit in French: what does that mean in English?
6. Find and read the Greek myth of Echo and Narcissus.
7. Find and read William Wordsworth’s poem, ‘The Daffodils’ as dramatically as you can. Then in a very silly voice.
8. Wordsworth lived in the Lake District find how many miles away that is and Rosie, convert the total to km.
9. What does the word, “Dove” have to do with Wordsworth, and what was his Sister’s name?
10. Make a video about your walk and put on your family web page!
Most of all. Have fun!
Love, Grandma.
Grandma’s Bio: Retired headteacher of a small multi age village primary school. Millennium Award recipient, designated a ‘Global Teacher’ Former Head Teacher of the only state Primary in the south of England that was authorised to teach the International Baccalaureate (Primary Years) Missing the kids.
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