Monday 23 May 2022

Yes, I’m Woke …

 Are you? 


My first visit to Gloucester Cathedral was on a school trip, via the upper deck of a No 3 bus with Class 4A1 - all 42 of us. I hadn’t a camera then, but have returned many times to capture special images - and this is my favourite:

You have to know where to find it, and be prepared to lift the seats in the Choir, preferably when guardian angels are looking the other way … . It’s a ‘misericord’ ( mercy seat) a ledge on which the monks could park their butts during the long hours of chanting. If you can’t picture the mechanics of the misericord, imagine lifting the toilet seat, and perching atop it. 

I love this carving because it’s mischievous, anarchical, and ever so slightly blasphemous.

Or should that be blarsephemous?
