Friday 22 July 2022

Twittering About

I am a fan of Twitter. As a Tweep, I indulge my passion for political inactivism and playing with words. I am, after all, a self-declared wordsmith. Formative years forced to study grammar, and an undergraduate creative writing course, have borne fruit. Twitter, I assert with conviction, is my one weakness.

But I’m now in a quandary. What is One  to do, when an internationally renowned  Franciscan priest and teacher suddenly ups and “Follows” One? This is serious. 

I am not always polite. I sometimes swear. I am overtly political. What if one of my carefully crafted put-downs puts him off? Or my photo flipping the finger at a Troll gives offence? I could be putting myself in danger of losing my most prestigious follower! 

Oh What The Hell. I Tweet like a real Human. I like to think that’s why he ( ie his media team) followed me in the first place … 

Acquaint yourself with my “dark side” here: @maryeffrancis.