Tuesday 23 August 2022

February In Devon

So here I am, holed up in a centuries old Fishermans cottage in Brixham South Devon.

It has been an amazing week. Right up until today the Sun  shone brightly from clear blue skies and the sea has matched the sky in colour and stillness.Just look:

 My list of things to do was very short, top of it was: " nothing'."  A goal I largely managed to achieved. 
I came without a car, so on at least one day, I managed to hit my steps goal, by donning boots and walking along the coastal path to Berry Head. (See view above...)  I chalked up keeping a regular time for prayer and reflection, previewing the DVD series for Lent, talking to a Salvationist about faith, eating really good fish and chips, rediscovering Philip Larkin, and watching four back-back series of "Friends". 

I loved the harbour, and was fascinated by two features in particular, being a history buff. The first is a replica of a 16th century ship, "The Golden Hind" famously  Captained by that rogue, Sir Francis Drake. 

I was particularly taken with the balcony adjacent to Drake's cabin. I can see him now, with a mug of foaming ale, watching the dolphins play whilst he took a break from relieving unfriendly nationals of their valuable possessions. All in a good cause, I assure you. 

I knew, of course, of the "Glorious Revolution" of Nov 1688, that put an end to the romantic incompetence of the Stuart Dynasty, and gave us the stolid and predictable House of Honover. I am not that taken with William, so I took impish delight in upskirting a King. (Probably the most flattering aspect of the statue, by the way ... ) 

Judge for yourself: